Manage and monitor
your animals’ health
Animal health monitoring enables you to respond swiftly to issues within your herd.

Optimize resting time for your animals
The health service precisely measures the resting and standing time of each animal throughout the day.
Increased resting time is positively correlated with cow productivity: it is established that an additional hour of lying down can yield an average gain of 1.7 kg of milk per cow.
This gain, though less apparent, is also true for nursing cows, both for the mother’s milk production and improved average daily gain (ADG) due to better feed utilization.
Using customized analysis screens, you can quickly identify animals with unusual behavior and determine the cause.

Identify problematic animals
Animals with health issues often show changes in overall behavior : variations in resting and standing times, followed by a decrease in feed intake and rumination efficiency.
These changes can occur suddenly, as in cases of certain clinical diseases (e.g., coliform mastitis, milk fever), or develop more gradually, as with lameness.
By measuring standing and lying times, you can identify animals whose behavior is deteriorating, often marked by reduced and irregular resting time. This enables you to quickly pinpoint cows that require special attention.
Identify animals with locomotion problems
Animals with locomotion issues tend to show a medium-term decline, which varies based on the specific condition.
For these animals, resting periods are altered, often out of sync with other animals as they seek isolation and more rest.
This is especially true when barn capacity is full, and standing times are prolonged (e.g., during milking).
A non-cycling cow may enter a vicious cycle, ultimately lying down less and consuming less feed.Mozaë, with its precise measurements, helps you identify and address these animals at the earliest visible signs.

Compare individual animals to the herd
Some animals may exhibit behavior different from the rest of the herd.
This can occur due to specific issues but may also result from other factors related to your farming practices. By comparing animals, you can identify certain profiles and take early action.
Enhance yout animals’ productive well-being and income
Improving the well-being of your herd—whether through individual actions or for the entire herd—can enhance animal productivity.
By anticipating issues, Mozaë enables you to quickly respond to animals needing assistance, minimizing the impact and reducing antibiotic use.